Mojave Brewing Company

Mojave Brewing Company

Mojave Brewing Company

So, three friends walk into a bar...

That’s not exactly right. This isn’t a bar, it’s a brewpub. The kind of brewpub that’s family-friendly with a rotating cast (cask?) of cleverly named beers. Beers from across the spectrum of styles. And seasonals, too! If you’re a tourist passing through (hey, we’re all friends on Water Street), a local looking to bring something delicious home, or three friends looking for a great time – you’ve found the right place.

This is the kind of place you can geek out over the co-owners’ backstory and awards while discovering the next delicious pint. Or Pokal. Or Chalice. We had to get one beer joke in.

John “Griff” Griffith & Nate Carney of Mojave Brewing

Meet the owner,
John “Griff” Griffith


107 S. Water Street, Suite 100
Henderson, NV 89015

